WWII - Page 3

Back Next Which battle in the European Theater played the greatest role in the outcome of the war? Why?
The battle of stalingrad had the biggest impact of the outcome of the war as the battle resulted in huge losses for Germany which would be a turning point in the war. The Germans lost over 200,000 Axis soldiers either being killed or captured this included General Paulus. General Paulus was a field marshal who was commanding the 6th Army during the battle and he became the first German Field Marshal to surrender in the war. This resulted in German military capabilities on the eastern front severally weakened. Not only did Germany lose a lot of men but they also lost many equipment because of the catastrophic loss that 6th Army. Germany lost 900 aircraft, 500 tanks and 6,000 artillery pieces. This was a huge loss that germany could not make up. After The battle of stalingrad with the mass amount of losses germany suffered they would never gain strategic advantage back.
Which components of WWII are essential to classifying this event as "total war"? Why?
A total war is a war that includes all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure as legitimate military targets, mobilizes all societal resources to fight the war, and gives priority to warfare over non-combatant needs. The reason we can classify WWII as a total war is because many civilian-associated resources were used to fight the war. This includes time, money and resources.
insert image insert image What role did the Holocaust play in the war? Why should we study and remember this event in history?
The Holocaust served as a major part of the war, as it rallied people against the Germans. The Holocaust was the systematic persecution, discrimination, and ultimately the genocide of approximately six million Jews and millions of others that the Germans deemed as undesirable during World War II. The Holocaust took place between 1941 and 1945 in Nazi territory. With the increasing number of people dying, other countries started to act as fast as they could. For example the Russians who acted faster than Germany expected and helped free many Jews. This was seen in the book we read Night by Elie Wiesel, when the Germans clear out the camo he is in because of the Russian forces invading faster than expected. WIthout the Holocaust Germany would have no main purpose for fighting in WW2 and their political system would not have stayed in power as they used the Jews as a scapegoat.
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