WWII - Page 2

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How did Germany's access to land and resources precipitate this war?
The Rhineland Occupation was the movement of German soldiers into West Germany which, after the Treaty of Versailles, was deemed a demilitarized zone and taken from the Germans. On March 7, 1936, Hitler moved the Wehrmacht, a unit directly under him, into Rhineland. He did this to gain the industrial zones and the resources that Rhineland had, to give Germany better positioning if France invaded. This was also a test to see if the Allies would move against Germany after they took over Rhineland. The French and the English made no moves against Germany, making Hitler eager to continue taking over lands, as there were no immediate repercussions. The taking over of the Rhineland boosted Hitler’s popularity with the German citizens as it helped boost the struggling German economy, and overall this helped solidify Hitler’s position in power.

Which cause of WWII had the most significant impact on the outbreak of the war? Why?
There are many causes of WWII but there are some major ones that stand out. First is The Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles left the German people humiliated with little land and facing the financial repercussions of WWI. These gave Aldof Hitler and the Nazis time to rise and form racism to militarism. Another factor for the start of WWII was the bombing of Pearl Harbor, this caused America to finally join the war. There are many more reasons, but those are some important reasons for the start of WWII.
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