WWII - Page 4

Back Next insert image Why did Americans allow Japanese internment to happen? Why should we study and remember this event in history?
The Americans allowed people of Japanese descent to be kept in internment camps for a multitude of reasons. The Japanese internment camps were camps set up at race tracks or fair grounds that held people of Japanese descent in fear of them being spies. This happened during WW2, so it was between the years of 1942 and 1945. This mainly happened on the west coast of the United States. This event was possible because after pearl harbor there was a lot of hatred turned towards the Japanese and because of the war, hysteria was easily spread and prejudice against the Japanese quickly spread. They were brought to internment camps under the reason of preventing espionage, however it was really due to the war time fear and hysteria around the Japanese people.
Which battle in the Pacific Theater played the greatest role in the outcome of the war? Why?
In the Pacific Theater, the Battle of Midway emerged as a pivotal turning point in the outcome of the war. As a result of the battle of Midway Japan would lose 3,000 men which included more than 200 of their most experienced pilots. Japan would also lose 300 aircraft, one heavy cruiser and 4 of their aircraft carriers. This was a loss that japan could not afford as they were unable to build back there fleet because of all the resources they lacked. With their depleted fleet they were no longer able to achieve there plan to expand its reach in the pacific.
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